Joe Rogan Experience #1172 – Morgan Fallon

Morgan Fallon is a DP, director, and producer on the CNN documentary series “Parts Unknown”with Anthony Bourdain.


  1. Very distracting how often he says "you know" but really good ep for sure.
    RIP Bourdain.

  2. Joe, I disagree with you a lot but this show really touched me and you really got me here. I am an Anthony Bourdain fan and I am your critical fan too. Thanks for this show.

  3. I'm 5 minutes in and the amount of times this dude is saying "y'know" is seriously, seriously pissing me off

  4. best food ? a great sandwich and coffee after 36 hours fighting a flood.

    2 am bbq.

    2 am breakfast.

    8am brisket taco with pico de gallo , that wasnt consumed at 2am.

    5pm smoked ribs before the big game.

    5pm gumbo with homemade rue, and homemade smoked sausage, that has been stinking up the house all day long, making me salivate so much that I had to mop twice.

    Mom's cornbread stuffing at thanksgiving for the first time in 5 years, after having it for 30 years in a row since before I could remember.

    chicken fried steak fingers (buttermilk) from a deer backstrap that I harvested and cleaned that morning.

  5. after bourdain died. rogan said he was friends, then he said he wasnt close at all, now theyre buds again..
    joe just goes where the winds goes i guess….

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