Happy Birthday, Captain | TigerBelly 160

With a little help from friends, Gilbo, Koloko, and PD attempt to turn their captain’s birthday frown upside down. We talk ligament cakes, a Brazilian body spray, and a Frank Sinatra moment.


  1. This was such a wild ride! I don’t blame Bobby for feeling overwhelmed by all the calls hahaha

  2. Happy birthday bob! I hope you get over your obsession with power in Hollywood. No one cares about it as much as you do and you are only under powered if you play into that. You can defend mencia for being nice to you that doesn’t change if your having a conversation with Rogan, he has to see your point of view. And u should see his too.

  3. You having your podcast crew call you "Captain" is just sad and douchey man come on

  4. George makes my stomach hurts. Dude. He can do background stuff. But I never want to hear his voice longer than a few seconds. It's like if Mayonnaise had a voice.

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