Conor McGregor’s career looks better and better over time…

Chael Sonnen reflects on the quality of Conor McGregor’s opponents over the course of his career. In hindsight, he faced many top opponent on his rise to the top.


  1. You wanna know why we make Chuck Norris jokes and no Chael Sonnen jokes? Because Chael Sonnen is no joke.

  2. Cmon Chael, a boxing match between Canelo/Conor or GGG/Conor wouldn’t even be close

  3. Bullshit!! He fought ten rounds against him cause Floyd let him…remember when Floyd said before the fight that they should give a Show to the fans and thats what he did!! A first or second round K.O. would not have been a Show!! In my opinion that was a fake fight and McGregor was lucky that Floyd let him survive ten rounds…

  4. Chael, you Really think Floyd was putting his all into boxing Conor?!? Come on man, your way smarter than that..

  5. Ill say it now. If Conor beats Khabib he is the goat. Idk, what other think. Conor is ducking people? WHO? People have ducked Aldo, Mendez, Alverez…and Khabib. CONOR HASNT DUCKED SHIT.
    He has fought at different weight classes with no time to adapt. He has never missed weight. And when he wins he wins by beating the shit outta people.
    Hate him but history will remember him as special among the special.
    He is without a doubt they mot confident person ever to step into that octagon…and he shows it.

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