Brie Bella Careless? How to Handle It – Notsam Wrestling State of Wrestling

From episode 205 of Notsam Wrestling – Sam Roberts gives his thoughts on the Brie Bella controversy, and what should be done given all the feedback from fans.


  1. I agree with the first statement, it's always such a stupid arguement. For anything. Just because you don't do something professionally doesn't mean you can't negatively critique it, you can still know enough to know what's good or bad about it.

    That being said, the kicks were pretty nasty. I'm not gonna shit in her, she's getting enough of it. But the kicks looked like they were really close to being legit knee strikes square in the head

  2. She isnt careless liv put her head down and plain as simple she got clipped in the head…….meaning you dont vandalize your co workers locker room or belongings

  3. 5:00 if brie and DB cpuld just keep training together. Goyta habe her take some time out the ring.

    But if she trains enough. She can do DBs move set.

  4. She’s not careless. She’s a bad wrestler who’s also now rusty because she hasn’t don’t it for a while. It’s a dangerous combo. She was never good enough. It’s an embarrassment to people trying to take women’s wrestling seriously.

  5. Sam is triggered I understand she has ring rust but god damn in a short amount of time that many mess ups I don’t hate brie bella but she should not be in shows and train more sorry sam but they shouldn’t reform the diva’s division they moved on from that and they don’t want to go back to that era

  6. The thing is, this isn't a wrestling related problem. This is an overconfidence problem. If I was bad at something and someone entrusted their body to me, I'd focus like crazy to make sure they are safe. She was looking somewhere else and didn't see her target. That's dangerous. That's career threatening neglect.

  7. Okay I'm going to say this how come when we want to give ideas to WWE or give him storyline advice we can't email them our feedback tell me that I mean seriously the story playing and all this crap that's happening with the WWE they have no good Riders yes they have great producers like Road Dogg Jesse James and Mark Henry and Tyson Kidd but seriously we need better script writers or you know this PG era needs to stop yeah I know there's younger kids watching it now but when you advertise Hell in a Cell TV 14 and you watch the whole thing and you pretty much got a middle finger to the face it was pretty much PG era again I thought they were going to step out a bounce for once and finally see what they could do to make some of the older fans like me that have been watching WWE Golden Era of wrestling with NWA and WWF but if we're going to continue playing these buying games and pushing a different rating Soul making people believe it's going to finally have him we're going to see something that we have not seen in years and I mean I understand they have to be precautious with the wrestlers now with concussions and everything I totally understand that but like I still believe hopefully WrestleMania will be in Minneapolis Minnesota eventually but that all takes time but you know me I'm from Minnesota and it would benefit the state it would benefit WWE it seems like they don't want to go anywhere else except for Miami Florida or Texas or New York City so I don't know what to say I think Undertaker should have hung up his boots right after he lost at WrestleMania 30 if you guys have a different opinion that's fine I'm not going to argue with you and say no you're lying I am more of a person that wants the storylines to get a lot better just please for the love of Pete

  8. Sam makes good points , but honest to God who really wanted to see them (Bellas) return…..? smh

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