Bill Burr – Tesla S – Self-Driving Car


  1. "Can we reboot the Joker?"

    Welp, Bill called it

  2. „I wanna be politically correct, maybe they were both a couple of fuckheads“

  3. Yeah, no. That's not how the Tesla's self driving mode works: After a relativ short amount of time you get a prompt to put your hands on the steering wheel – if you're not doing it, the prompts get more intrusive to get your attention. After a few prompts to put your hands on the steering wheel and you not following the request the Tesla will slow down, brake and fully stop.
    So I hate to break it to you but you can't take a nap and let the car drive you to work or anywhere else.
    But hey, that's Freckle-Cheeks Burr… always uninformed but an opinion about everything that he's not shy to tell to the world. And thanks to that we even got one of the rare short videos as a treat until the next podcast is uploaded. Isn't it great?!

  4. I got to be Jesse James in The Future! who knew…

    Highway robbery is gonna phukin spike, anyone wanna join my clan?

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