Bertcast # 305 – Matt Braunger & ME

Today I sit down with Matt Braunger to talk about comedy, scamming friends, fight club, Serena Williams, comedy scenes, pitching shows, and much more!


  1. "Sorry for interrupting but these 2 stories intersect" proceeds to tell a story that doesnt intersect with what bert was saying at all leaving bert to abandon his story all together because the flow has been killed smh

  2. "i dont do political" followed about him explaining how he does political for 15 min.

  3. Matt …"I'm not going to scream in your face, but I sure will cut you off and tell you you're not left enough Bert" …Braunger

  4. Louie needs to stop talking about his premature daughters pussies. negative points right here
    its cool talking about your hot daughter like Trump though VERY PRESIDENTIAL

  5. It’s not that women aren’t funny. It’s that most women aren’t funny. People love to make the exception the rule. But I play by averages. Like I can say the average black man is more muscular than the average white guy. And then you can show me a picture of Brock Lesnar and say I’m bigoted. But he’s an exception to the rule. Not an average. When I say statistically speaking most black people live in poverty you can’t show me a picture of Obama and act like you refuted my point. I play by averages. Not exceptions. And the average woman is an unfunny cunt. Period.

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