83 Weeks #4: Bash At The Beach 2000

After Bischoff was sent home, the Turner brass turned to Vince Russo to take the reigns of WCW. By the time Bischoff returns the power dynamic in Turner had shifted yet again. What were the terms of Bischoff returning? What was his day-to-day role within the company? How did Russo react to Bischoff being back? It became a tangled mess with a television company losing money on a wrestling product they very likely didn’t understand in the first place. The guy who turned a profit for WCW for the very first time is back,

but things are different both corporately and creatively. And of course we can’t forget that one guy is in the middle of all this, the biggest star in history: Hulk Hogan. He has creative control and Bischoff’s ear, Bischoff has the ear at Turner, yet somehow things don’t go as planned at Bash at the Beach. What was the original plan? What was Russo suggesting? Who veto’ed his idea? How was the compromise made for what did make the air? Who knew what, when? What did Jarrett think? How did Booker T fit into all of this? Many guess when the “beginning of the end” was for WCW, but one thing is for sure: this is the end of Hulk Hogan in WCW. You won’t believe the decision Turner made, the lawsuits that followed, and the financial ramifications of one night. It’s long, strange, crazy story about ego and the power struggle it created that helped ruin what was the biggest wrestling company in the world — this is Bash at the Beach 2000


  1. Eric, I think is just a bit mad, that Mr.Russo destroyed Nitro, while with WWF, then took his Job, so, I guess I’d be mad too.

  2. Um, this isn't a part of the story of the 83 Week Streak. Just saying. Well, guess it's time for a Russo Hit Piece now.

  3. Imo both Bitchoff and Russo both suck. Eric was a 1 trick pony with the NWO and Russo was nothing but shock tv

  4. Sorta Tv ma but Easy E is about to string a cohesive story without four Or five letter nothings

  5. Bischoff is so REAL👍👍Even tho he had his low points and his Go-To guys which he admits he still kept it 100 as much as possible. Vince Russo was TRASH and the start of the ending of WCW but like Bischoff said, that Aol merger started it. This is a MUST LISTEN. Salute to Bischoff and that Interviewer is GREAT also

  6. Conrad is not afraid to call out Bischoff! You don't know how to run a wrestling company!! No it's not your fault, it's Russo not mine!! Wow!!

  7. “Russo was great at finishes, but not long term stories”

    “I had good stories, but I didn’t have anybody good with finishes”

    -Eric Bischoff

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