Theo Von & The Frisbee | TigerBelly 153

Theo plays chess. Bobo has a kazoo. Khaloko is a plant. Gilbo is on a boat. We talk Inner Light, the dark arts, vagerries, island mahogany, and the top 300 million Christians in the world.

  • White Noise Machine Bobby Uses: Here
  • Khalyla’s Underwater Lobster Diving Camera: Here
  • Gobi’s Training Collar: Here
  • For Remi’s Old Man Accidents: Here

TigerBelly is a no-holds-barred arena for half truths, social no-nos, and animal behavior-featuring comedian Bobby Lee and his best friend Khalyla. New vlogs on some Tuesdays. Podcasts every Thursday.


  1. What's really going on here??? Idk if it's just me, but it seems like the topic of being a pedophile, perv etc has been attached to Theo lately. Whether it's one of his many stories about it, playing a character or whatever. It comes up ALOT! Then he went super dark and questionable when he was talking about finding bobby in a cave with some little boys, then got way to into describing what the boys were doing. Shit just seemed super sketch to me. And on another note, how khalyla was talking about her pops piece, explaining how she was judging the appearance of her dad's fuck, how good or bad it looked for how old he was. Idk, maybe it's just me but it was weird ASF!

  2. 41:00 What was Khalyla talking about?? In the Philippines people get crucified but don’t die from it???
    And just before that, Theo said “who knows if Jesus was even deceased.”
    There’s more historical evidence that Jesus (as a historical person) was brutally tortured, beyond recognition and crucified than there is for the existence of Julias Caesar.
    Crucifixion is also a well documented form of execution. There’s no way anyone could survive a crucifixion. You aren’t just fixed to a cross for public display, then taken down. It was indeed a form of capital punishment. Though methods of crucifixion varied from different regions, it was most frequent to club the legs of person being crucified with an iron rod until the legs are shattered. This sped up the execution since death came from affixation and without the legs to hold your body up, hanging with so much stress on the diaphragm, effective crippled your ability to breathe. And the breaking of the legs often wouldn’t occur until even a couple of days of public humiliation, dehydration and relentless, excruciating pain hanging on the cross.
    The crown of thorns was particular only to Jesus because He was recognized as “King of the Jews” so the crown of thorns were meant to mock him.

    Both Theo AND Khalyla have no clue what they’re talking about here.

  3. Theo and khalyla look like they would be a good couple, not as good as Bobby, but close

  4. Theo on TigerBelly….funny. Theo is hilarious! Bobby – Keep it going you Korean Pickachu!

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