The Little Pill Moment – JRE Toon

Another hilarious moment animated by PaulyToon from the Joe Rogan Experience podcast #884 with Joey Diaz


  1. Joe can roll a joint and light it with just his mouth. That's baller.

  2. If only expired pills worked that way, Joey is obviously telling a big fat lie here but it's funny.

  3. Love Uncle Joey but if she washed the Vicodin it would have melted away in seconds.

  4. Hydrocodone doesn't really expire. It's got a rather ling half life so it makes no difference. And secondly it's water soluble so washing it, all the good stuff was washed away leaving nothing but pill filler behind. Classic case of a placebo effect

  5. Washing the vicodin removes the time release coating which makes it hit you all at once. Same thing if you chew one up.

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