Joe Rogan Experience #1164 – Mikhaila Peterson


  1. Christ she is not what I expected at all. In a good way though she is lovely.

  2. Would her itchiness not be caused by the opiates she was on for pain they make you itch like hell?

  3. Rogan takes testosterone can see it a mile off. He is faker than pammy andersons titts. A twat 🙂

  4. I've never heard the term "nightshade" when referring to vegetables. Don't worry Joe.

  5. Jordan Peterson is such a confused dint that he didn't encourage his ailing daughter to consider diet change because of the lack of science.? mean statistics? Sorry to break it to you Jordy poo.but statistics aren'

  6. OH cool the professors gorgeous daughter is taking the show on the road as well! Wonder if is into Joseph Campbell ? if i had a kid, they would be into Joseph Campbell.

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