Joe Rogan called weight cutting “Sanctioned Cheating”…

Joe Rogan called weight cutting “Sanctioned Cheating”…


  1. Cruz is not the first person to call weight-cutting cheating lol…been hearing it for years just in the youtube comment section. Cruz might be the first voice on a cable TV station to say it, but he is years behind in calling it cheating, and Cruz is more or less talking about people who don't even make weight because it is happening a lot at the top of the rankings now and people are benefiting by missing weight statistically.

  2. True point, why do these state commissions care exactly what someone weighs if being under weight doesn't matter and how much over you are doesn't matter. There is no greater penalty for being 173 or 180 for a welterweight fight.

  3. Maybe they should restructure the whole thing to eliminate the need of weight cutting in the first place. Why not have the fighters medically tested and evaluated, fully hydrated, to weigh in and then have a committee determine the lowest weight class a fighter can compete in. Then fighters could fight people of their size and would avoid the the dangers of severe dehydration.

  4. It’s not cheating you either can make weight or not there are side affects as usual do at your own risk

  5. people only do it to starch through smaller guys, but remember Conor did it to the featherweight. that dude looked awful when he made 145. conor would not be a star if he didn't spark out all the smaller guys! weight cutting needs to be sorted out!

  6. 1 hour before fight weigh in plus body water percentage should do it right? Fighters can't fight dehydrated if there is a minimum percentage

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