The Psychology of Brock Lesnar


  1. Yes but we dont want scripted shit. We want to know what a fighter has to say from his own mind,how does he see the world ! Nick Diaz and Conor Mcgregor need to come back.

  2. "when its good its hollywood….when its bad its WWE" I want this quote tattooed on my forehead.

  3. Chael goes off on Joe for "revealing the business" then goes ahead and reveals the business…I love chael but this is hella hypocritical

  4. Rogan shouldnt give the game away but you should? Your an active fighter Pissing on your own Fedor bit

  5. Problem is honestly chael is so masterful at cutting promos that it makes most look pathetic..chael is honestly the only guy that I've seen lose a lot but he exudes so much confidence that he makes me believe he can beat anybody still.. that's what makes a true competitor a competitor.. that never believe their out of it and can correlate that to life..In myself was a solid wrestler and mma fighter.. chael is a great ambassador and lawyer for our sport.. keep em coming Bad Guy!

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