Mike Boudet From Sword & Scale | TigerBelly 152

Bobo is the Eyebutt Killer. Mike shares the gruesome. We talk an AIDS bomb, premium love, rage blackouts, and talking to trees.

  • White Noise Machine Bobby Uses: Here
  • Khalyla’s Underwater Lobster Diving Camera: Here
  • Gobi’s Training Collar: Here
  • For Remi’s Old Man Accidents: Here

TigerBelly is a no-holds-barred arena for half truths, social no-nos, and animal behavior-featuring comedian Bobby Lee and his best friend Khalyla. New vlogs on some Tuesdays. Podcasts every Thursday.


  1. I grew up in Middleburg Florida (north central Florida). I tell people it's the south of the south. We had an "achy breaky heart" McDonalds when I was growing up.

  2. I listen to Mike's podcast every week, but this is the first time I've seen him. He looks exactly how I pictured him in my mind.

  3. Mike Boudet is an asshole. You can find many of his misdeeds on the swordandscale subreddit.

  4. I'm on the west coast of Florida & I think we have so many killers because the State has a high transient population. It's cheaper to live in a lot of areas so people travel here trying to find work, etc…Add to that the millions of tourists coming in every year & it becomes a shit show!

  5. usually like tiger belly this one was too dark imo

  6. The population of Sweden is much smaller 9.9 million vs. 325 million USA, smaller pop than some states. You have to compare their stats to say New York State 8.5 million.

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