It took Daniel Cormier less than 5 minutes to ruin the stigma of the entire heavyweight division.

Bigger is not better… heavyweights are the worst athletes, the slowest and most lazy fighters. Speed and endurance trump everything else. It took Daniel Cormier less than 5 minutes to ruin the stigma of the entire heavyweight division


  1. Rumble at Heavyweight is a very scary opponent if he comes out of retirement.

  2. Not trying to be funny. But, driving while making a video for YouTube or any other purpose is dangerous. I think it's right up there with texting while driving. Stay safe Chael.

  3. The problem with heavyweights is if your that big and talented your not going into cage fighting when theres football basketball and hockey, those divisions are only gonna get worst

  4. I just need to point out that Chael has a skull and crossbones with bunny ears on his shirt! dO.Ob

  5. It was proved weight classes are worthless back with the Gracies….WAY too many rules to be anything close to real fighting now.

  6. how many wipes did you wipe Colbys ass on a nice sunny day like this ?

  7. I've been saying the same shit for years. HW = Overrated. I still remember Couture who wasn't even a big LHW moving up and beating Sylvia at 43 years old. Overeem did much better moving up from LHW to HW.

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