Colby Covington’s Mindset for Success


  1. Yea Chael you’re definitely right that it’s a bit ridiculous for people to complain about people being “fake” when they’re trying to market themselves, however the allure of the UFC to a lot of people is the fact that it is real. So these fans expect fighters to be real all the time unlike fans of WWE or a movie or a comedian because they dont expect those things to be reality so it’s very different and understandable why many people would point out something being “fake”. Just look at Connor Mcgregor, the main reason he became so big was because he truly seemed like the way he acted was really him making his brashness and confidence that much more appealing. So yes, it’s important to market yourself and play the system, and yes it’s important to not give away a character but if tons of people or insiders keep calling you fake you probably can’t blame them as most likely that means you could have sold your character better and made it more believable. For example, when Connor goes out and gets on the mic you never hear people say it’s fake because he’s great at selling it, maybe one or two Debbie downers but for the most part people accept it. Now if you have every single media outlet and fan screaming something is fake you may need to make some adjustments. At the end of the day it just needs to look believable, people realize not everything is real and are willing to give up some of their common sense that this isn’t real to enjoy it more but you need to give them just enough “realness” so they can turn the other cheek and just enjoy it. .

  2. I love chael putting out the narrative of GSP vs Colby. Chael is so good at planting seeds lol

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