China in a Nutshell | This Past Weekend #113


  1. Hey bro, you gotta stop by Seoul, South Korea next time. It's like China lite over here. Still grillin those dogs in back alleys and farmhouses though. Anyway we got plenty of folks that'd come out too. Hope to catch a show soon. Peace and love

  2. Hey Brotha, China has got to be crazy. I grewup in the South and can only phantom.Stay Black Motha Trucka! Cheers!

  3. Alex from Idaho, Awsome for callin in about, hell ya 6weeks! Go for 90days!!!I know how it is , been in your shoes, it gets better. Stay strong!!

    The two human fingers that young Theo found on the ground in the woods that fateful day were in fact property of the lady with the stinky-crotch & missing fingers that Theo had met in the library!

  5. I'm just waiting for Theo to come out of the closet. To be the first openly homosexual billy-goat. He drinking that water at 2:16 like it was another mans dick-juice. With his little finger up in the air like that. You know he's got to love that dick.

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