After The (MMA) Beat – Episode 199

The MMA Beat panel answers your questions regarding the UFC’s recent decisions making interim titles, what artist they would have perform at their birthday party if they had a mega rich father, their thoughts on Shark Week, MMA media, and much more.


  1. Wow, now i absolutely understand Jon Jones.
    Luke is unbearble.
    The show is dead.
    Miss Ariel.

  2. Luke Thomas is SO arrogant and obnoxious. He ruins MMA beat and MMA hour… there’s no one like Helwani ❤️

  3. Have to agree with everyone else, Luke is unbearable, didn't take long and he'll only get worse. His personality is so grating and he misinterprets that as being manly rather than realising he's being an annoying prat. He really is the worst part of these shows which is weird as he's the host, i.e, the main person.
    MMAfighting should be on the lookout for some new blood who have some experience hosting/presenting, heck, i'd prefer revolving guest hosts on both shows over Luke at this point. Some great talent out there, both male and female who'd love to work for MMAfighting.

    Also, it's not banter if it's one way and the other person isn't partaking or enjoying it, then it's just bullying which apparently annoying Luke thinks "works", by which i think he means it turns people into being more like him, in which case, no, it certainly does not work, being obnoxious and painful to listen to is not a goal anyone should strive for.

  4. There was magic created in the studio with Luke and Danny. They need a non-MMA show.

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