The Church Of What’s Happening Now: #593 – Jessimae Peluso

Jessimae Peluso, comedian, actress, and the host of the “Sharp Tongue” and the “Highlarious” podcasts, joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt LIVE in studio.


  1. It's sad to see a bunch of grown men groveling at the feet of a stranger
    This comment section is Cuck soy boy Central today.
    It's like every other fucking Momo is here brown-nosing to sumbitch they never met and will never meet…
    "she's so hot" "I'd eat her fart"
    That what loser incels say
    Listen up boys…real girls don't like bitch boys like yall who grovel like worms at her feet.
    They like real men like me who have enough self control not to govel like a bitch boy.
    Get off your knees and stop praising her bunch of fucking losers with no girlfriends
    And you will stay single if a girl ever saw you acting so weak and petty to a stranger so do yourselves a favor and give up that whole praising and groveling bullshit and implement a better strategy because I don't like seeing my fellow men acting so beta-male and weak minded.
    Women don't like seeing weak men either.
    So if you want to impress the ladies act like a man and stop acting like a worm at her feet

  2. I love joeys stories always but this bitch don't get a word he's saying. … she's hott though. .. that counts I guess.

  3. She's hot, funny, and not annoying. Let's keep these standards for female guests uncle Joey!

  4. Fucking Lee you gotta pick up your game cocksucka! You're the soldier of the Church! Stop being a lazy dumbass bum.

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