The Church Of What’s Happening Now: #591 – Steven Brody Stevens

Steven Brody Stevens, Comedian, actor seen in “The Hangover” and host of the “Festival of Sports” podcast, joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt live in studio.


  1. Nothings happening
    Fat ass dopehead..
    Don't know nothing
    Except how to b
    A brain dead

  2. I used to love the church. Something has changed, I'm tired of hearing the same stories episode to episode. The podcast lacks fun, I think Joey asumes taking tons of drugs (weed, pills, shrooms) is substitute for actual content. Maybe they should try watching videos, or talking about current events. I'm done, and I can tell by the views other people are too. They went from hundreds of thousands of views even a million per podcast to under 100K. Something needs to change..

  3. This guy sounds like a complete asshole with a very over-inflated ego. Starting shit and taking pictures of people in a starbucks, acting like a complete douchebag. What a complete piece of shit.

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