Podcast follow up training intensity and much more – AMA 22 – Coach Zahabi

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  1. logic itself is a mechanism that has paradoxes. in fact, it was bertrand russel and kurt gordel (two philosophers) who discovered the limits of logic. some believe russel's paradox and incompleteness closed the discipline for philosophers and logicians because of the two works. why dont you attack logic with the same vigor? mathematics is a purely theoretical endeavor, science is more than mathematics. there are elements in science that make it more complicated than mathematics because it uses mathematics to understand the world which is inherently complex.

  2. your joe rogan conversation went to millions of ears.. u cant go back to just talking about training after that . Lol. Fwiw i dont see how philosophy detracts from teaching martial arts especially if the videos are properly labeled and positive

  3. Firas, you did a magnificent job in explaining the philosophy of science. I've had some die hard 'scientism' (dutch) friends watching it and they were actually rattled in a positive way. It was very insightful and surely triggers the appetite to study the philosophy of science in greater length.

    Keep up the great work coach! ✌️️

  4. I"m just curious why you are that severe about giving purple belts. I agree with pretty much everything you have said about why but there is one thing.. The rules are the same for blue and purple belt under most competition rules. Shouldn't brown be the new purple belt? Yes, it is true that organizations like Grappling Industries have changed the rule set and allow more of the old school rules back, but the rules are still the same from both. I kind of feel like purple belt is kind of a made up belt used to just encourage people to continue to do jiu jitsu before quitting before black. Judo don't even use this belt colour.

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