Joe Rogan Experience #1136 – Hamilton Morris

Hamilton Morris is a writer, documentarian, psychonaut and scientific researcher. His show “Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia” is available on VICELAND and iTunes.


  1. He’s a little off on the San Pedro and how it’s prepared. You must use a citric acid to break down cell walls. We used pure lemon juice. The 1/4 to 1/2 inch dark green skin of the cacti is what you boil and pressure cook. Not the core.

  2. Hamilton is such a FAG. Never liked him.
    There is something off and weird about him…

  3. Joe “McKenna had a great line about DMT. He used to say “everyone’s holding”, because your own body produces it.” Rogan

  4. This was good exept the meth part. Ive seen people go from house moms to suckin dicks for money some drugs can ruin your life

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