Joe Rogan Experience #1134 – Kyle Dunnigan


  1. You are a coward and ignorant Joe. You are too lazy to research things yourself to be sure you are correct. I regularly hear you repeating fake MSM news about Trump and other things. You non-stop say Alex is full of shit, then say 'but he's a nice guy'. Can't have it both ways pal. You want to run the type of podcast you do with politically influential people then you have a responsibility to be honest, TAKE A STANCE ON ANYTHING. Stop trying to be agreeable and appease everyone. Stop avoiding your disagreement with guest and not debating the issue with them, then shit talking about them later. You are a coward who wont stand up for anything, wont deal with any stressful issues, the show is just for your amusement, to be buzzed and listen to "interesting people" for your entertainment. I am really glad Alex called you out and his words were soooo spot on accurate about you Joe, exactly what I have been thinking all along, why I frowned at Alex coming on the show in the first place. I can totally picture how you would write off these comments or others. We are just ignorant rednecks basically, Jones cult followers, and we just get out of control with our conspiracy theories. Were not wise like you and your liberal friends Joe.

  2. Anyone else notice a slight moment of tension when he mentioned ordering vitamins and having to cancel the subscription before they ever arrive? I felt like he was referring to Onnit, which is heavily criticized by people on Facebook for using that exact tactic.

  3. Alex Jones called you out! Like this comment so this gets brought to Joe's attention!

  4. easily one of the best podcasts! this guy is great, really opened up and told a lot about himself.
    very funny!

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