Chael Sonnen tells a disturbing story and needs you to listen.

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  1. Uncle Chael, you got to go see this hole! It may help bring peace to the situation or make you realize that an actual crime was committed. Bring us along when you do see this hole on your podcast!!

  2. Now you got me wondering why there was a Door in the Floor. Why there was a tunnel under the building. Was the building a movable trailer like most movie support vehicles? Or was the building a concrete slab floor building, permanent structure? What was the ultimate description of the hole? Did anybody ever see what was in it? Sounds like a gateway to Hell or something weird. It seemed to have some effect on the people in the room.

  3. The man who wanted him in the whole has severe mental problems, and is likely violent in other parts of his life. You are right to be disturbed, and that was attempted murder. In addition, why is the hole there? Have terrible crimes been committed there before? Stay away from those dudes man!

  4. This incident never happened. This is the pro wrestling Chael telling a made up story. Way too many holes.

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