JRE MMA Show #27 with Robin Black


  1. 19:00 not a new idea, it's called lamarkism it was proven wrong in the 1800s. It was first proven wrong by August Friedrich Leopold Weismann in 1850. After over 40 successive generations of cropping mice tails his mice where still born with tails. Events, and choices that affect an animal in it's life time do not effect the next generation period.

  2. Why is Joe always bitching about Connor,he didn't f**** kill anybody.
    come on Uncle Joe stop with that bullshit!!!!!!
    Connor is the greatest 😎

  3. Nunes isn't interesting. Nobody gives a fuck about sexual-orientation and Shevchenko whooped her ass twice after exposing Holms "championship boxing". and fans are done with "hype". Don't fake it bitch, just fucking make it.

  4. Get me on this podcast and i'll expose you Rogan. You're a neanderthal. I am Prize-Fighting. I was there when Jack Johnson rolled out of his prison bed and whooped some farmers ass and I was there when Weidman KO'd Silva. I'll be there when T-City gets worked by Zabit etc. I know EVERYTHING about Prize-Fighting. EVERYTHING

  5. that brooklyn card did better numbers because of the controversy and Conor. Ali stalking Frazier at his gym generated more revenue. Its how prize-fighting works ya 2 old buffoons.

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