Joe Rogan Experience #1121 – Michael Pollan

Michael Pollan is an author, journalist, activist, and professor of journalism at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. His new book “How To Change Your Mind” is available now.

  • “How To Change Your Mind” on Amazon


  1. I've heard about Ergot wine being used as a psychedelic, not just ergot by itself. Couldn't that be the culprit with the Greeks? It gives you a stronger experience than LSD but is much more dangerous on a physiological and neurological level.

  2. I've never told my family about the profound experiences I've had on shrooms/acid. it changed me forever, in good way. Also, I have a diagnosed schizophrenic friend that I communicate with when i trip.

  3. Yes plz! I've tried mushrooms 3 times and had a horrible experience everytime. A guide and low dosages would be perfect to help me open my mind safely. Your friends saying you'll be alright doesn't seem to help you like at all. Joe nailed it i work myself into extreme anxiety now because I've never seen the good of it.

  4. why did joe have to end it so early?! Even Pollan himself said, there was so much more to talk about it. the conversation was going so well! this could have been a legendary podcast if it werent cut so gaddamn abrubtly… tighten up Joe

  5. I preordered the book, fucking fantastic. Some of the best explanation and analysis about the experience.

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