After The (MMA) Beat – Episode 191

The MMA Beat panel answers your questions regarding their favorite sports movies, Bellator’s future, what’s the proper way to promote a fighter, their favorite sports legend, the happiest moment of their lives, and much more.


  1. Nicco and others react to Ariel this way because he's a jackass. The problem is with you, Ariel. The sooner you realize that the better your life will be. People don't like you. Why can't you understand this?

  2. Ariel spent 25% of this entire show talking about himself. Here's a clue Ariel – if you want to be the story, start training and get in the cage. Otherwise, just shut up and report on the story. Alternatively, and preferably, find another line of work.

  3. Is Danny scared to make eye contact with Ariel? What's up with his intense eye contact with Chuck? Weird.

    Also, Ariel is definitely correct in regards to Barcelona being pronounced with the "th" in Catalonia only, i don't know why Danny doesn't know that, everyone else in Spain pronounces it the way it's written.

  4. Ariel is right, most people from Andalucía can’t pronounce the “z” they talk with an “s” instead.

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