The Church Of What’s Happening Now: #576 – Joey Diaz remembers Mitzi Shore

Joey Diaz tells Lee Syatt about being a new comedian who never thought he’d be good enough to perform at The Comedy Store, to 27 years later becoming one of the few comedians personally passed by the club’s late owner, Mitzi Shore. On this episode Joey opens up about how important Mitzi was in his life.


  1. 800 mg of Dr zodiak morsels was no where near enough to go deep. there's gotta be something out there

  2. I'm 22 min in he's said her name twice classic joey makes it about him . bill Hicks best Wight comic of his peer group on 25£ a night fuck the comedy store

  3. Loved her sons goofy acting in the 90s. So glad to hear his mother was rough and tough. Thanks for the podcast.

  4. "When you commit to a journey the universe will take care of you." Uncle Joey spittin some true wisdom.

  5. Joey, I have no idea if you or Lee ever read these comments…. but I think I can speak for more than just myself when I say Joey you truly are an amazing human being. It's through your stories, memories, introspection and sensitivity that really hits me hard, and pushes me to continue fighting like you did as a young adult. Thank you for being you sir, YOU COCK SUCKA

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