Joe Rogan Experience #1106 – Colion Noir

Colion Noir is a gun rights activist, lawyer, member of the National Rifle Association, and host of the NRA Freestyle web series NOIR.


  1. This Colion Noir guys sounds like he's gonna tell me he's there's a Redguard woman on the run in Whiterun

  2. Let's see if this dude still wants guns after his entire family gets killed in a mass shooting.

  3. Joe, please stop perpetuating unsubstantiated information that you've gathered from watching the MSM. The United States is not number 1 in mass shootings per million people, we're not even in the top 10.

  4. It's not the damn meds its the illness itself that's dangerous. Why is mental illness still being ignored? Just to further either side's agenda? Fuck off with that bullshit. What's going on isn't a gun problem, med problem, govt problem, no. Its a societal issue. Kids are growing up very differently than they did years before, these shooters, all had some kind of mental illness. Many teens are so disassociated from people and so sucked in social media and technology and its caused mental illness to increase. I'm simplifying it but that's the jist. Kids are a lot more susceptible to mental illness nowadays and all of these old fucks just don't get it. They'd rather exploit this shit to further their own wrinkled, saggy, fuck all, agendas. It's all a shit buffet and everybody's digging their fingers in and taking a big whiff.

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