United Airlines Kills Passenger’s Dog: Time For Airline Reform | Luke Thomas

A United Airlines flight from Houston to New York saw a passenger forced by a flight attendant to put her dog – who was in a TSA-approved carrying case – in the overhead compartment. During the course of the three-hour flight, the dog died, leaving the owners horrified and despondent. While this story itself is unbearably tragic, combined with other notably horrific incidents, it also underscores how there’s not enough competition in the airline industry, Americans have grown accustomed to being abused and over policed and why reform of the industry is so desperately needed.


  1. Why are animals allowed in the passenger cabin? If it's not a seeing eye dog for a blind person there is no excuse for letting animals inside the main hold of an airplane.

  2. Im more mad at all the people that stayed seated and did nothing while it cried your all scum shame on you's thank's for talking about this i would never ever ever do this to my dog not blaming the owner at all i hope this attendant is fired and united is sued to the max

  3. all i can say is if the retarded flight attendant was from the religion of peace i hope it gets its face smashed in with repeated blows.

  4. Why are dogs allowed with passangers??, they should be in cages in a storage area on the plane, owners should pay for an extra ticket for the space needed for the dog.

  5. Hey guys, Lets see how this pans out…I agree with you , yet, I think americans like there dogs more then human strangers!! I think it will effect stocks more then last event. thanks

  6. I look at my three dogs as family members and I would be absolutly mortified if this happend to any one of them.

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