The NBA and PEDs: Why Has There Never Been A Scandal? | Luke Thomas

Why hasn’t the NBA ever had a performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) scandal? Individual players have occasionally been caught for various small infractions, but there’s never been a major BALCO-type scandal. How is that possible? Spencer Lund, a writer for Complex magazine, explored the topic. In his estimation, a big reason is the NBA’s players’ union, but are there other factors in play? In this interview from my radio show, we discuss the reasons.

The Luke Thomas Show airs weekdays, 3 to 6pm ET, on SiriusXM RUSH, channel 93.


  1. I also think that it's mainly because basketball is one of the few major sports where pure strength doesn't have tremendous value. Yes, it of course DOES have value, but compare it to other sports

    Football and MMA: Hit harder , physical one on one action

    Baseball: Hit the ball farther or throw the ball faster

    Basketball: somewhat valuable, but not incredibly important

    Strength sports: duh

    Pro Wrestling: look jacked

  2. "Athletes are like high performance vehicles, they need high performance fuel." – Ken Shamrock

  3. From my understanding Westbrook did kinda get caught. It was not serious. It was more of a tainted supplement.

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