The Church Of What’s Happening Now: #563 – Danny Brown

Danny Brown, a rapper from Detroit who has released multiple albums and mixtapes. a music video directed by Jonah Hill, joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt live in studio.


  1. Its like Danny Brown is Jimi Hendrix. The best guest ever in the church!

  2. "I put it on a cassette and gave it to her…..she didn't want it… was terrible you have no idea….right now I'm starting to feel I was in 7th grade again" LMAO

  3. @1:31:03 Just look at this disgusting thieving cunt. Scratching his underarm and talking about stealing like it's normal. How does this cunt have fans?

  4. Every time Joey mentions Xanax poor Danny perks up like a Meerkat on crack.

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