Overcoming Fear and Anxiety and more – Coach Zahabi

In this episode I answer your questions on book recommendations, overcoming anxiety and training without wasting away your brain cells. please send your questions to zahabimailbag@gmail.com


  1. Sorry, but philisophy DIDN'T start with Socrates. It's a popular misconception.

  2. I heard that GSP was known to be really nervous before fights. Did he usually have to fatigue himself before the fight?

  3. Hey Firas could you say that using shadow boxing to let your body know it's time to fight is similar to the trick of just smiling to make yourself happier or power posing to made yourself more confident? Using the physical to influence the mental.

  4. Would be interesting to hear how you learned to coach. We often take it for granted how mentors get to where they are. You don't just 'know how'. Thank you for the interesting listens.

  5. Thanks Firas, some great advice about dealing with anxiety there. I get anxious speaking in public, and I freeze in that situation in that I get mind blanks. Unfortunately I can't shadow box during class, but you've given me some food for thought!

  6. Really interesting video. Solid advice. I'm a big audible user so I just picked up the books. Only $1.99 for the Peter Drucker novel.

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