Joe Rogan Experience #1094 – Brian Redban

Brian Redban is a comedian and the founder of the Deathsquad podcast network.


  1. I don’t want to hate on Brian, he is a nice guy, but he said nothing all podcast are you shy or some shit ?

  2. "But those are just morons"…. Theyre not getting hacked because theyre smart Rogan, theyre getting hacked because theyre stupid and their vote is worth as much as yours.
    This is a textbook example of one of the many shortcomings of democracy.

  3. GOOD education, health-hygiene, food, clothing, social strengthening and genuine care/friendship, and shelter as a given for all coupled with the ability to earn more by actually working or making goods for others…… or you'll get Buttfuckers every time!… :'D (in response to him liking Fuddruckers, so in order to keep it from turning bad…)

  4. 228:45 dude Kurt LITERALLY SMOKED CRACK on the show, worst episode ever. Bring Owen back on solo. We get the message, Kurt was there to show Owen how ineffective it is to scream into the abyss. NOT CLEVER, I saw thru it in about 10 minutes. Joe is the only guy I've heard who would purposely sabotage his own show just to make a point

  5. WHAT HAPPENED TO YESTERDAY'S STREAM WITH OWEN BENJAMIN??? was ready to leave a comment like: "if you tuned in expecting to hear owen finish a sentence you'll be disappointed – joe hauled him out of the corner a few times to scold him on his use of twitter, otherwise manic metzger got to monopolize the whole show" ENQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW WHY IT WAS TRASHED

  6. Throwing my air max in the fuckin wheelie bin now after seeing that sad act wearing them!

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