Believe You Me w/Michael Bisping FULL EPISODE #50 – Lions, Tigers & Robots

Former UFC middleweight champion Michael Bisping and stand-up comedian Luis J. Gomez discuss Bisping’s cryptocurrency conference, the Black Panther movie, Cerrone vs Medeiros, Lewis vs. Tybura, Northcutt vs. Gouti, Bisping tries to roll a frying pan like Sage, Nate Diaz smoking weed, Anderson Silva’s dancing instagram video, McDonald’s changing their Happy Meals, move Mayweather rumors, listener questions and so much more!


  1. Americans need to give up their fetish for guns and start caring about their fucking children…nobody needs an AR-15 I dont care how small your dick is!

  2. 13:35 LUIS U GOT IT SPOT ON!! thank u. fuck white guilt. its racism against whites on a global scale, fucking pathetic and spineless.

  3. Luis he didnt light the fucking joint and blow it in a kids face! Fuck man you cant just make shit up and pretend its true. Dont you think that wouldve been on cameras and talked about by everyone? He clearly put the joint in his mouth and held the lighter 6 inches away to act out lighting it. You realize weed is still super fucking illegal in texas he would have been arresred instantly! Dumbass! Fuck that pissed me off. Der he light it and blew it in kids faces der… shut the fuck up! Hes a drug addict now? Btw if your worried about your kid seeing a joint then dont bring them to the front row of bloody cage fights dip shit. Finally that kid sitting behind him was with him! That was chris avillas little sister. The same girl that got hit with the monster can by conor.

  4. Wakanda:
    Blacks only
    No immigrants
    A wall to keep folk out
    No race mixing
    A hereditary royal family
    No LGBTQ
    Limited trading with others

    Oh, and made up by 2 white Jews.

  5. lewis..tone down the accent its disgusting….you sound like that horrible woman from friends.

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