Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher

Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher

Coach Firas Zahabi talks about the famous Japanese quote and the lessons to be learned from people who are more experienced.


  1. This thought was going through my head earlier today. Such a blessing to hear this. Thanks to you! ๐Ÿ™

  2. I watched every one of your video and I feel like we are friends. I know itโ€™s weird ! Im 23 and I never had any fight even street fight.

  3. This is actually a Chinese quote, the original quote is "Listening to your words is way beyond ten years of studies". (It's usually a scenario where two guys having a drink or having a meal , and one guy given some wisdom speech and the other guy give the praise). Well , anyone , it's not the total truth. Without the thousand days you have had , how could you even grasp hold to the importance of the day you have ?

  4. hey coach, do you have any advice for people with cervical herniated discs?

    I herniated mine 3 years ago, my progress has been stalling massively and I'm really depressed

  5. I had 6 months personal training with the TKD Grandmaster's son who is now almost Grandmaster himself.

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