WORST OF 2018: Monday Night Raw Hits ROCKBOTTOM!

As part of his Year in Review for 2018, Solomonster looks at the worst year ever for Monday Night Raw and why it’s so important for WWE to make the show watchable again in 2019.


  1. I stopped watching.. Probably after Mania. Even watching highlights is a chore. So much talent… It sucks when I like who they have, and you know how they were elsewhere. To muzzled here…

    NXT is a Damn anomaly. Developmental my ass. If developmental puts the main roster shows to shame… WTF.

  2. Closest thing to a RAW talent ranting about how RAW sucked on the show was Jim Cornette at the end of 1997(addressing the state of RAW going into 1998).

  3. Stop watching WWE completely and IGNORE their kayfabe news stories, You're giving it more ratings and it'll take longer for it to die.

  4. Why do you have the balls to point out a lot of this is on Stephanie. She takes20 mins and kills an chance of momentum. She had the nerve to book herself putting up a good fight against Rousey.

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