Fox Wants LESS COMEDY And More Wrestling On Smackdown?

Solomonster talks about a report that FOX wants less comedy from Smackdown next year and more of a focus on athletics and the actual matches.


  1. I disagree they cant present a more sport-like presentation. Watch mid south wrestling. It is usually comsidered one of the best promotions of all time, and its presented like a sport. Wrestling should be presented more like a prizefighting organization that happens to get put of control at times. Maybe if WWE had took its product a little more seriously, amd not constantly "winking" at its audience we wouldnt be where we are.

  2. Comedy has it's place in professional wrestling, it's just that WWE's so-called "humour" just isn't entertaining. Like…at all. o_O

  3. They just want it to be more like New Japan more like WCW and that's what it should be a sport not entertainment

  4. Now what about vinces plans for XFL?

    Because Fox runs the NFL on their channel and now Fox has wwe.

  5. One of the reasoons I stopped watching the WWE on a regular basis is because of too much comedy. I'm glad that Impact wrestling is taking a more hardcore/rated-R appraoch with their storylines. I hope the WWE does the same. I don't have a problem with comedy in wrestling as long as it is limited.

  6. I watch wrestling for good stories and great matches, I actually hate comedy in wrestling nowadays. Mostly because WWE has made it so god awful. Also I don't like Joey Ryan and his shtick. I find it very unpleasant and it makes me want to have a bath.
    The comedy I enjoy in wrestling was back in the days of Bobby Heenan, Mean Gene, Shawn Mooney and all those greats. The Coliseum videos had comedy in them and they were great comedy. Singing lessons with Nikoli Volkov, making sandwixhes with Mr Fuji, Tax tips with IRS, Lessons of ettiquette with Lord Alfred and Sherri. Segments like that were awesome. Today, comedy in wrestling is not something I like, I find it off putting.

  7. This is going to backfire. I have a bad feeling. WWE and athletic-focus don't mix like how Fox think it does.

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