CROWN JEWEL: JBL Says WWE Can Help Bring Change To Saudi Arabia

Solomonster has the latest on the status of Crown Jewel, the Saudis admitting to killing the missing journalist and JBL says WWE should do the show because they can help bring change to Saudi Arabia.


  1. Bradshaw is just as delusional as Vince. Seriously, this show needs to be canceled. If wwe have any decency left, they will cancel this show and postpone the tournament until further notice.

  2. JBL blocked me. Idk about listening to him about WWE bringing change. They do charities and bully campaign. They have their hands in everything

  3. NPC JBL:: We wish to be the forefront of change in Saudi Arabia so that we can change in the country.
    NPC Randy Orton: We could be the changing force in Saudi Arabia so we must go there.

  4. How stupid can one person get. This is literally the dumbest thing a human being could say, about anything. Dennis Rodman barely got Kim Jong Un to chill out a bit, how the hell can WWE do anything.

  5. Am I the only one who is worried for wwe or Vince McMahon if he pulls out of the Saudi Arabia event. Knowing that they do what they want to people of they don’t get there way? I think it’s a very fucked up situation for Vince.

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