Keziah Daum Interview: Teen Accused of Racist Prom Dress Speaks Out | Luke Thomas

Keziah Daum made waves on social media recently for wearing a Chinese dress from prom that critics said was racist and made her guilty of cultural appropriation. In this interview from my radio show on Wednesday, Daum joined me to discuss the Twitter uproar, why she stands by her decision to wear the dress, and much more.

The Luke Thomas Show airs weekdays, 3 to 6pm ET, on SiriusXM RUSH, channel 93.


  1. Cultural appropriation has been beaten down so much its pointless.

    Unless someone is making money off of your culture with no one from your culture then stfu…. seriously

  2. Those people who were offended probably aren't even Chinese or from (or live) China. They're just haters because this hot white girl wears the dress better than they ever could. This is 2018. Globalization will eventually bring us all under One-Earth against invading aliens. Fuck those dumb haters who don't know what culture appropriation is. They only wish they were 10% as hot as Keziah.

  3. People are so stupid it's hard to even believe teach people a new word like " cultural appropriation " and they're like that's bad. They don't even know why. All music, religion and language is appropriated and mixed. Don't even speak English unless you invented it .

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