Joe Rogan Experience #1104 – Boyan Slat


  1. I smoke weed under water on my weekends off and I'm really starting to see the effects of ocean garbage and how it interferes with my high while submerged.This young lad has the answer a better underwater weed smoking experience.

    Thanks a lot Slat,I o u wan

  2. Podcasts like this are why you're the GOAT. We need motherfuckers like this.

  3. This guy is weird and he pretends like he invented some revolutionary idea but his system is dumb as fuck and totally useless. How do you think once his systems collect all of the plastics, will we collect the systems themselves ? This would require at least hundreds of ship going back and forth recolting all of these heavily loaded systems, without mentioning that any storm could mess up with the collected garbage

    just read that Boyan Slat also participates to the bilderberg meetings, how weird is that ?

  4. had to quit after the 100s "so……." only 34mins in……

  5. So what happens with the nuclear waste. Electricity relies heavily on this… i will drive my own car thank you.

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