Slumped Posture (NO) Bigger Biceps (YES!!)

If you have rounded shoulders or a slumped posture then you are going to want to watch this video to see how building bigger biceps can fix this. Here I’m demonstrating how the biceps actually work in concert with the muscles of the shoulder that help to externally rotate the arm into a better position to keep you more upright. Read More →


It doesn’t matter whether you have a workout planned for the day or not, you are going to want to do what I’m showing you in this video every single morning. This 2 minute and 30 second routine is something that is going to help you improve your posture, abs and even your grip strength.Read More →


If there was one exercise that you should be doing every single workout, and even on off days, then this would be it. In this video, I’m going to show you the number one exercise that you should do every day that will help to improve your posture, fix common muscle imbalances, improve your performance on the big lifts, and increase your shoulder joint mobility.Read More →

MAX GAINS SERIES: Triceps Pushdowns

If triceps pushdowns are part of your tricep training then you are going to want to watch this video on how to squeeze every gain out of the exercise for max size. The pushdown is one of the most common tricep exercises but often mis performed as well. Here, I’m going to show you the best way to position your elbows, wrists, hands, and shoulders during the movement to get the most out of your tricep workouts.Read More →

This Exercise CAUSES Hernias (IT'S VERY POPULAR!)

The fastest way to get a hernia in the gym is to perform the one armed dumbbell row with your knee up on a bench. In this video, I’m going to explain to you why this is the case and more importantly, what you can do to fix that once and for all. I will discuss the anatomy of the groin and why men are much more likely to incur an inguinal hernia than women when working out in the gym.Read More →

How to Fix Elbow Pain (ONE SIMPLE EXERCISE!)

If you experience elbow pain when you work out then you need to watch this. In this video, I’m going to show you not only the real cause of the pain and discomfort you’re feeling in your elbows that is wrecking your workouts, but how to fix it once and for all. It starts by stopping your focus on the elbow itself. Let me explain.Read More →