Tom Papa's Cats & Rats Moment - JRE Toons

Tom Papa’s Cats & Rats Moment – JRE Toons


  1. These skits make me die every time lmao! Keep em coming. I need 1 per day to live

  2. My cat ignores my parrots. He's a frail old thing and his vision isn't too good. When he was younger he brought a massive rat into the house and we were so grossed out by it we locked him in the bathroom with it. Heard him crunching the bones up. An hour later we went in there and there was no evidence of the rat.

  3. L0L !!


    #JoeRogan is waaY T0o FuuNny, yawL !!!


    @JOEROGAN >>> C0ME. T0. MEMPHiiiS* 10 !!!!

    PLEAse. pLEaSe – PLEAsE !!


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