Joe Rogan Experience #1240 - Forrest Galante

Joe Rogan Experience #1240 – Forrest Galante

Forrest Galante is an international wildlife adventurer and conservationist. He’s also the host of “Extinct of Alive” on The Animal Planet.


  1. Wow, just listening to this made me realize how damn thankful I am for heat, electric, abundance of food, internet, health, cell phone, etc. I went to a website and found this information out: ***In 2019:
    Annual Income:
    $32,400 US dollars post-tax is considered the top 1% in the world.
    $17,788 US dollars post-tax is considered the top 5.00% of the world.

    In terms of Net Worth or Wealth:
    If you have $769,000 US dollars in possessions (home, possessions, investments, etc.), you are in the top 1% in the World.
    If you have $206,500 US dollars in possessions (home, possessions, investments, etc.), you are in the top 5.00% in the World.

    Wow, I am thankful for everything I have today.

  2. why do they have to disable live chat replay 😐

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