Women's Self-defense Technique - Man Pinning Both Wrists in Mount Position

Women’s Self-defense Technique – Man Pinning Both Wrists in Mount Position

This is an 8-minute “Slice” or variation from Lesson 4 of our new women’s self-defense program, Women Empowered 2.0. The complete lesson is 62 minutes long and there are 20 lessons in total!

For the first time ever, you can get certified to teach the Women Empowered program anywhere in the world! In the past, in order for someone to be considered for instructor certification in the Women Empowered program, they had to own or operate a professional martial arts school. We have since realized that in order for this program to reach women everywhere, we had to eliminate this entry barrier.

Women Empowered 2.0 was designed from the ground up with this objective in mind, such that any person who successfully completes the curriculum and achieves a score of 95 or higher on the Pink Belt Test will be invited to participate in the Women Empowered Instructor Certification Program (WE ICP). Those who graduate from the WE ICP will be certified and authorized to teach Women Empowered anywhere in the world, for profit or not! Our goal is to have certified instructors in every city around the world so that Women Empowered is being offered in every fitness studio, college campus, church, military base and beyond. There are women all over the world haven’t yet found jiu-jitsu, and with your help, jiu-jitsu will find them!

Pre-order Women Empowered 2.0 on DVD today!

Also available via online streaming starting February 1:

Find a Women Empowered Certified Training Center at https://www.gracieuniversity.com/Pages/Public/Affiliates?t=1


  1. People (BJJ fans) think I am just a stupid troll but, despite my natural automatic urge to dislike all Gracie videos, I actually rate this technique. Probably the only like I will ever give to this crappy art. Aaah, what am I thinking? I can't like a Gracie video, they always promote their crap. SAFE international has a much better programme. BTW don't follow up with elbows. Big bad guys gonna ignore that. She could still get pulled down and butted out. Shred the face. Works vs all attackers. You're welcome, nuthuggers.

  2. wow this actually helps me against my friend that i train with, he always goes for the double wrist pin and i know how to stop it and progress now thanks a lot.

  3. Great, you just took away the one technique where we could safely control angry, man hating feminists until they calm down.  I guess we will have to resort to joint locks, slaps, and chokes despite the bad optics of it all.

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