Beginners advice for muay thai practitioners, tips on training for the obese & motivation form GSP!

Coach Zahabi speaks about what kind of training to add to your Muay thai if you are a beginner. He talks about what is the best martial art to focus on training in order to improve your MMA game. He also gives training advice to obese people looking to lose weight and he talks about some very motivational advice GSP once gave him.


  1. "Riding on a bike is boring."
    Listen coach, you're the MMA master, but I'm the bike fanatic here. Climbing uphill then going downhill on a mountain bike is as fun as any sparring session. And I've never lost as much weight as when I traveled for two weeks on my bike as a cyclotourer. Plus it changed my life AND made me in good shape enough to then start doing martial arts. Bike is only boring when you're starring at a wall while doing it. 😉

  2. What Martial Arts decides whether the fight goes to the ground or standing up?
    Wrestling or BJJ?
    I know both
    But which one is more dominant?

    And food video

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