Andrew Santino & the Red N Yellow | TigerBelly 173

Bobo recaps Arlington. Santino wants a baby in Chicago. We talk missed baseball opportunities, airline indulgence, and shitty children.


  1. Will we broke papayas ever get to hear the patreon episodes? At least the year old ones?

  2. Walking down the street eating Swedish fish. Santino 2nd place guest of the year after Dave Navarro.

  3. In any case, kids need strong n loving fathers. If I had daughters, theres no way in hell she would live with two guys and banging them both like Khalila did. Bobby n Khalila are perfect together but I'll be damned if my kids grew up to be like them!

  4. This is my Christmas present. This is also the last video before Christmas, so it's perfect timing.

  5. i was there at the arlington show that friday at 9 and had no idea about that drama. those 2 fans didn't deserve that!!! bobby definitely didn't let it show onstage bc he killed it. but damn.. makes me hate that club now just because of that manager. too bad im still gonna have to go bc santino is gonna be there later this month lmao…

  6. omg yesss! i was just about to ask when you were going to release the unreleased podcast you did solely with santino thats so ridiculous you dont think its appropriate to release. and here comes this, cant wait to watch BUT we still gotta see bobbys and santinos podcast, it must be insane!!!

  7. "BELLY" promo for postmates doesn't work ;( so sad my slept king has fed me treacherous lies, as I am only trying to feed my grumbling tummy sire

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