Joe Rogan Experience #1201 – William von Hippel

William von Hippel is a professor of psychology at the University of Queensland. His new book “The Social Leap” is available now via Amazon.


  1. this guy is just super. super. super well put together. he uses accessible language, speaks quickly but not rushed, has a student mentality. very respectable

  2. Please get Tom Araya on. That guy is the most fascinating person… DO IT JOE!!! WE NEED TOM!!!!

  3. This guy is so full of shit. It is amazing how ignorant he is to so many things.

  4. He's wrong about the Chimps without whites in their eyes. It's rare, but every now and then, there is a chimp within the group that actually has more human – like eyes. The other chimps tend to look to this chimp and basically do whatever he/she does, almost as though the chimp with the whites in it's eyes is more intelligent, or dominant.

    You can see one of them in this documentary, and they explain how it's dominant.

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