Science myths and health misconceptions | Documentary

We’ve all heard that a glass of wine a day is healthy or that spinach is a good source of iron. But what is true and what is a myth?

There are many misconceptions about what is healthy and what is unhealthy. Insight is a constant process: what was accepted as true yesterday could be scientifically refuted today. But how do myths become embedded, even in the scientific community? Why can’t we simply replace old insights with new ones? Everything from methodological errors to manipulation can play a role. New myths aren’t just created in spite of science, but sometimes even with its help. One example: detoxing is a very popular myth at the moment. Removing toxins from the body is based on an understanding of medicine dating back to the early 20th Century. But modern medical experts say this notion of a build-up of toxins is nonsense. So why is it so hard to debunk the detox myth when it has no scientific basis? Dr. Lilian Krist, an epidemiologist at the Charité Hospital in Berlin says: “People want to believe in something. For many, these diet hypes and lifestyle trends have become a substitute religion.” New studies often throw up more questions than answers and more room for wrong interpretations – or even deliberately false conclusions. Once wrong information has become embedded in our brains, it’s difficult to get rid of again. Cognitive psychologist Ullrich Ecker has discovered that established myths people have believed in for generations are incredibly resilient. There’s even a boomerang effect: the more we try to destroy a myth, the more people believe in it.


  1. glutamate 100% definitely causes migraines … Glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in your brain …. and unfortunately eating too much of it will definitely result in migraines or even seizures as it is passed unchanged through digestion into your bloodstream and across the "blood brain barrier".

    If you eat a heaping spoonful of the stuff the least of your worries will be the initial headache.

    … and no it's not an allergy, or some sort of issue specific to certain people "sensitive" to MSG.

    A heaping spoonful of MSG to your brain is like a giant shot of insulin would be to your metabolism … that is in large quantities it's certainly a poison.

  2. Airlines don't use microwave oven so cell phone use in very low probability just by very very very small power compare to microwave oven but…..maybe.

  3. Actually the low iron content in spinach has to do with mineral depletion in soil………………….. in 1914 the iron content in spinach was 64 mg compared to 2.7 in 1994. And ALL detoxing is a myth..seriously?? This video and the medical professionals quoted in it disappoint me. This documentary is the epitome of misinformation. Thanks for creating even more confusion and disease! 👍

  4. Of course our body can remove toxins… UNDER NORMAL circumstances, but if you eat toxic (processed or GMOs) food almost every day, the capacity of the body to clean itself becomes insufficient, and you NEED to do something radical to regain your health again, hence detox treatments.

  5. The diet thing is stupid because she just lied for profit to prove that the media lies? She really loses all credibility as a journalist when puts out information as truth knowing that she is lying and falsely making up facts…

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