CM Punk Loses at UFC 225 – Sam Roberts

Sam talks about CM Punk’s loss to Mike Jackson at UFC 225 in Chicago.


  1. He went 3 rounds because the guy who fought him was toying with CM Punk. Stop with this “you did it.” participation trophy. He sucks dick, and CM punk should go back to working at Target as a cart attendant.

  2. one guy looks like he got ran over a truck and one guy looks like the driver of the truck that ran the sorry son of a bitch over.

  3. Mike jackson thanks for exposing punk..!! Ppv hype? Good that jackson embarrased him… Woow good that he lasted 3 rounds..LOL he exposed you as a faker… No credit for punk!! Jackson knew they shouldnt be on ppv and dana just wanted extra money by putting punk on the ppv. So dont b*tch when jackson took his tv time because dana wanted to give it to punk…. Stop hating jackson!! Get that cm punk D Out of ya mouth… Now even in wwe he is a loser if he came back… He now exposed himself….. You not brock punk

  4. Punk may have lost, but he made tons of money, that is what he was there for, it is all about the money and a hope for a win..

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