Joe Rogan Experience #1116 – Steven Tyler

Steven Tyler is a singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, best known as the lead-singer of Aerosmith.


  1. You have Steven Tyler on your show and you get in an argument about GD ALIENS WTF?

  2. when are you gonna bring a real medium!! somebody that has some background, respected and that could spike you up with some truth about that subject ! and joe have you ever even tried to go out in nature and see stuff in the sky with a naked mind?? you won't believe if you dont truly try and make contact yourself … or with someone that has enough proof with different media outlets.. like peruvian Sixto paz.. or many others

  3. i disagree, john mccain is a piece of shit
    still no mention of people talking baseless shit on trump, but when he responds to it hes a "bully"
    even if he was, who gives a fuck, if you over the age of 20 and you care about someone "bullying" you, you need to see a psychiatrist

  4. "I got to sit next to J.Lo and Randy Jackson… motherfucker… what a beautiful guy…" Steven Tyler 57:04

  5. If Youtube gave out grades for podcast uploaders Young Jamie would have the 2nd A of his life.

  6. Damn he nodded out at around 50 minutes shit man…what was that!?
    Joe's like uhhhm u okay bro?

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